Monday, 28 March 2011

Copping the needle

Today I rediscovered a website a visited many months ago where people can post slang that is used in Portsmouth. Now as a Portsmuthian myself this website made me laugh a lot and brought back many memories. It also made me proud to be from Pompey, something I wouldn't admit to regularly. Yes it is a rough city. Yes there is a lot left to be desired in it. But it is home.

And it has character. It is distinctive. There is no where else like it.

And as a child of Portsmouth I have grown up street wise, savvy, strong, honest and independent. I don't take $hit off anyone, I defend me and my own and I can handle myself.  And I am proud of coming from a place with enough character to create it's own language.

So for my fellow Portsmuthians enjoy the slang!

Chufty Badge
Cop the needle
Beard on chin
Ummm ahhhhh!