Friday, 8 March 2013

Happy International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day. A day to celebrate women, their contribution to society, to history, to families and most importantly to raise awareness of the millions of women who still don't have a voice.

One of the most important books I have ever read is 'Half The Sky. How To Change The World' by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn.

It relates the tales of women all around the world who have overcome adversity, injustice and horrific events to positively move forward in their lives and in doing so advance women's rights and the lifestyles of other women.

It is very easy to forget when living in the UK just how much discrimination and chauvinism is still inflicted upon women throughout the world. Statistically women are the most prejudiced sector in society on a global scale. This is a shocking fact. We are incredibly lucky in the UK.

The recent story of Malala in the press has highlighted the incredible bravery of women fighting for their rights. And unfortunately we have also seen just how far there is to go, with the story of the young Indian woman gang raped, mutilated and left for dead on an Indian Bus.

But the truth is their stories are only the tip of the iceberg  At the very least women still face derogatory treatment, at the very worst they are seen as nothing more than a commodity and are inflicted with horrific torture, abuse and stigma.

'Half The Sky' tells the story of what it is really like to be a woman in the world today. But rather than be a morbid and depressing look at the conditions females live in it is an eye opener. It heightens your awareness of the struggles women face globally, but it makes you grateful for all the rights and privileges we have in the Western world. It makes you angry at the disregard and abuse women face purely because of their gender. It fires up your desire to highlight issues and find out just what can be done to enable equality for all.

But most importantly the book is a testament to the strength and courage of the women. It is inspiring, uplifting and full of hope.

'Half The Sky' also details many brilliant, small charities that help women gain independence, equality and better treatment. If you are wanting to do any fundraising but are looking for small, more obscure charities who really could use the help it is well worth checking out this book.

Just by reading the book and becoming aware of women's stories you are helping because I can guarantee you will not be able to stop yourself from telling other people! Read the book, pass it on to a friend, blog about it, spread the word. Post links to the charities, highlight the stories of injustice and fire up your fellow citizens in the fight for equality!

Happy International Women's day. A day to celebrate the beauty and strength of 50% of the global community.