Friday, 29 April 2011

Day 4 - Living Below The Line

Yesterday was day 4 of the Live Below The Line challenge. It was the toughest day so far I would say. Although during the day I was OK the evening was very tough.

I found yesterday I had a lot of problems concentrating and could not focus. I would often forget what I was doing. This is the day that really made me realise just how your body and brain can not function without a proper diet. Although I have been able to eat three meals a day, (and actually I think I will have a surplus of food by the end of the challenge. Who would have thought?) the foods I have been consuming are filling, but not great for functioning.

Also by the late afternoon I have the lowest amount of energy I have had in such a long time. I was worried that on the 4th day would be tough as I had a huge amount of energy on the 3rd day and went to dance class, and I was sure on the 4th day I would crash. It seems that came true. Walking home after work I was not sure how I would never make it. I was walking very slowly and was feeling exhausted. By the time I got home I just wanted to sleep. By 9pm I was.

I am now totally bored of eating the same food each day. It becomes a chore and you feel like not eating. It is mentally tough to know that each day will be the same bland food which stops you feeling hungry but it builds a mental barrier that you have to work through. I have totally taken for granted how luck we are to have variety and the ability to enjoy food.

The routine, the blandness and the lack of energy really make you feel down. You can't be bothered to face the next day as you know everything will be the same. It is quite amazing how quickly you get into this mindset. I can not even imagine how people must feel when they feel like this everyday, with no end in sight. When you see images of children who are starving the one thing you notice is the deadness in their eyes. The lack of hope. These are children. Children in the UK's eyes are filled with wonderment, excitement and joy. This is what children should look like. To see that sadness in a child's eyes in heartbreaking. To know at such a young age they have given up hope, this is something that should never happen. Especially over such vital and essential elements of life like food and water.

I am very lucky that my challenge is almost over but I think what I have learned will stay with me forever.

Until next time, much love.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Day 3 - Live Below The Line

Today I am feeling full of energy and really positive! My general wellbeing and health seem to be really good today. This experience as well as being eyeopening and humbling it is also having a lot of positive affects and making me appreciate my body and how I use food. I am finding that eating less food is making me more energetic. It has shown me just how sluggish you feel if you never allow yourself to feel hungry.

I am now feeling the benefits of being aware of what you eat and have more energy that I have had in ages. I think I will definitely try and implement what I have learned on this challenge and apply it to my diet when I finish this.

I think after watching videos last night it reminded me why I am doing this and also it isn't that hard for me as I am still eating 3 meals a day and have budgeted snacks in also. This is what I would call a normal amount of food and I think it is good to go back to that! Instead of snacking all the time.

I am still amazed that I am managing to eat 3 meals and snacks on £1 a day! It is crazy. But it also shows the power of brands and advertising. I think I will totally revamp my shopping list from now on! Of course there is not much variety, and I would love to eat my vegetables and drink fruit juices again, but I think before I was totally overspending by huge amounts. I will also be only buying for that is necessary and not getting things just in case. I think it will make a big impact on my diet, health, wellbeing and importantly wallet!

I was worried about my energy level in dance class today but in fact it was great and I felt completely normal. In fact today was a really great class! I am feeling quite tired now but have been impressed at just how upbeat and energetic I have felt today.

I am worried that tomorrow I will crash a bit and it will be a hard day again. I am also aware that I am starting to run low on my resources. So lets see how the final two days go!

Last night I watched a video of Nelson Mandela. The words he spoke really stuck me and were so inspirational. He stated that we have the ability to be a 'great generation'. Do we want to be remembered as a generation of the Internet, social networking and binge drinking? Or do we want to be remembered as the generation who help eradicate poverty? Ensure equality for all and global access to food, water and medicine?

We can be that 'great generation'. Every journey starts with a step and by reading this blog you have already started that journey. You have raised awareness. And maybe you may pass on some information to people you know, add a link to your Facebook page or send video links to your friends. Spreading awareness is the first step. Then together we can unite to tell our world leaders we want fairness to all. We can be the voice for our global neighbours who do not.

Until next time, much happiness.


Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Day 2 - Live Below The Line

I am now into my second day living below the line. It was tougher than the first day, as I thought, but I have been impressed at how I am not feeling as hungry as I thought I might. I have been hungry between meals and can't wait til it is time to eat again! But I thought I would become totally preoccupied with clock watching and seeing how much longer I could wait before I ate my next meal.

The thing I am finding hardest is only drinking water. I usually drink fruit juices, squashes, hot drinks and water in a day. I find water quite boring to drink and I am finding myself reminding myself I have to keep myself hydrates, whereas usually I drink like a fish throughout the day! I have started to crave things like a coke, when I don't even drink carbonated drinks usually! I think it is just wanting to have a liquid with flavour that is doing it!

I have noticed how today I have felt quite tired and found it hard to concentrate. At work I was getting through my work but at a slower pace and I found myself drifting off into space often. I think it shows just how vital food is and the energy it gives you. That is why there are so many good projects out there than ensure that particularly children get at least one meal a day. Research has shown that educating a child who hasn't eaten means they are unlikely to learn anything. This is why it is vital children are fed, and many school projects in countries like Africa ensure children receive breakfast at school, which not only stops them from starving but also improves their concentration, which leads to their education and the foundations of being able to try and have a successful future - one hopefully without poverty.

I think today I have learned that it is OK to feel hungry. Usually whenever we even feel a bit peckish we reach for something to fill the gap so we often never know what it feels like to be hungry. Although it is mentally tough to overcome the hunger barrier I am glad I am experiencing this, as even though I am living below the poverty line I am still eating three meals a day. Something that many people do not achieve.

Whenever I find this challenge a bit tough I remind myself of just why I am doing it.  Below is a video about extreme poverty and hunger and why challenges like Live Below The Line exist. This video also touches upon the Millennium Development Goals, a set of 8 goals agree by over 180 countries in the world to help tackle some of the worlds biggest issues.

I will warn you the video contains shocking images. But it is important to see just what happens in the world every single day.

800 million people will go hungry today.
8 million people will die this year from starvation. That is the equivalent of the population of London.
Every 3.6 seconds a person dies from starvation.

It is abhorrent that people are forced to exist like this in the world in the 21st century. This is why it is so important to raise awareness of issues that we as people in the democratic free world have a chance to make global leaders listen, to assist and to help ensure the Millennium Development Goals are achieved. Throwing money at a problem is not the answer. But equality and the chance for people to better themselves is. It is a human right to be able to live in a humane way and it is a human obligation to help those who are currently not.

We have the privilege and freedom to voice our opinions and make ourselves heard. It is vital that we do not neglect this and help give a voice for the billions of people that do not have a voice.

This challenge proves just how far £1 can go. Please donate whenever you can, what you can. Be it money, time or even through raising awareness.

Until next time, much love.


Day 1 - Live Below The Line

So Monday was my first day living below the line. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I didn't feel too hungry but I did notice just how big a part of life food and eating is. You do it to socialise. To pass the time. It's just something to do. In the developed world food is no longer about subsistence but an experience. Eating is such a part of your life you don't notice it until you can't engage with food in the way you usually do.

I am worried that my portions have been too big for my resources to last the week. I have been trying to compensate the lowered regularility of my meals with increased portions. On a normal day I usually have 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks plus fruit juices, hot drinks etc. So to go to just three meals a day and cut all of the others out is hard, hence the bigger portions! Today I am going to reduce portion sizes to ensure I have food for the whole week. But hope I will get used to small portions.

It has made me realise just why obesity is a problem in developed countries and I think it is due to the fact that we no long just consume 3 meals a day. We often snack in between meals and then have hot drinks like a coffee which are packed with calories. Dietician's recommend that for some people for your body to run best it is better to eat 3 smaller meals a day and 2 snacks so you never get a low on energy. I eat like this and it does seem to work. But it does depend on portion size. I think if we are honest we probably eat 3 normalish sized meals and then snack and have the the hot drinks as well! And obviously this does contribute to the expanding waistlines.

A problem I have found is that it is a case of sometimes not having enough of one thing to go with another. For example I have loads of porridge but very little milk. From now on I am gonna use more porridge but less milk and top up the consistency with water. And I guess this will need honey to make it taste better! I have kind of taken for granted that I can create portions any size I like because if I am running low on milk I can just go an buy more. I actually think that by restricting yourself on how much you can use is a really great way to create appropriate portion sizes and reduce waste. I have a feeling this experience is going to change the way I regard and consume food.

I think Tuesday and Wednesday will be the hardest days as my body will start to realise that there will be no more food coming. It wasn't just a one off. Also I am now back in my workplace so won't have access to food as I do at home. If I wanted a snack of a piece of bread I can't. And snacking in the workplace is often use to pass the time. When I work from home I definitely eat and drink less as I am less bored. At work I live off of drinking fruit juices and tea which I think will be the hardest thing as I usually drink these instead of snacking!

On Wednesday I have a dance class. I am worried about my energy levels. Usually on a dance day I will have a cereal bar about an hour and a half before class to give me a boost and also ensure I am not starving after class. I think because my body is used to this routine I may notice the difference in class. I am also worried I will feel sluggish and bloated due to consuming so many carbs.

Because pasta and bread a cheap, last long and filling this is what my diet this week is mostly constiting of. But this is not brain food! And I am sure by the end of the week I will notice a change in my mood and energy levels due to this. But I think this is an important lesson about food being fuel and that it is vital to fuel your body correctly for it to function well. I think in the developed world because we are so able to eat whatever we want, and in some ways we take food for granted, that it is easy to forget that food is the fuel for our bodies. And if we don't think about what we put in our bodies then it won't function to it's maximum capasity. Again I think this week will really highlight this to me and make me more conscious of what I am eating in the future.

So the food. Yesterday was OK. My breakfast was great as I love porridge. And for dinner I made tuna pasta bake was nice and tasty. Lunch was OK - but I had better get used to it as I will be having it all week! I had pasta in sauce with carrots and kidney beans. The pasta is a bit tasteless and an odd texture. And the pasta sauce doesn't taste of anything. The food is quite bland. I now see why herbs, garlic, salt and pepper are vital and used so often in developing countries cuisine. But of course I am being picky and this again this comes back to us seeing food as an experience rather than subsistence.

I spoke to my dad on the phone yesterday about the challenge and he was keen to give me lots of cheap food tips! His advice was beans on toast (filling), soups and oddly rice and mushy peas! He assures me this is really nice and he loves it! Well I guess you find out something new every day!

So it is now Day 2. Lets see if I predicted right and today is a harder day!

Until next time, much happiness.


Sunday, 24 April 2011

Preparing for the challenge

So tomorrow I start my 5 day challenge to Live Below The Line. This weekend I went out to buy the food to last me the week. When you put it all together it doesn't look like much!

It is amazing how cheaply you can afford a weeks shop by buying own brand products. I think this week will be an eye opener on just how easily influenced we are by branding, and whether by buying brands we are actually buying quality.

I am nervous about how hungry I may be over the next week. So I am prepare for mood swings! But for me this last only five days. For 1.4 billion people in the world this is how they live every day. It is shocking to think that over a sixth of the planet live in extreme poverty.

I have a feeling this week will make me appreciate on a whole new scale just how easy my life is. And we really must remember in the developed world just how easy we do have it.  So I will keep this in mind over the next five days, and not forget that for me I can count down the days until I can eat what I like, when I like. For billions of others this is never the case.

So the challenge starts tomorrow. Let's see how it goes!

Until then, much happiness.


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Live Below The Line - The 5 Day Challenge

Next week I am planning to take on the challenge to Live Below The Line. 1.4 billion people in the world currently live in extreme poverty. This means they live on less than the equivalent of £1 a day. The Live Below The Line challenge is asking people to live on £1 a day for all the food and drink they consume for 5 days.

This is a mighty hard task, but taking into consideration that for our global neighbours that are living in extreme poverty this £1 also includes clothing and other items it really puts it into perspective how tough life is for over a sixth of the human population.

To be able to do anything like this it is important to plan ahead to make sure you have buy what you need. It certainly has been an eyeopener of how little a weekly allowance of £5 will get you. But it has also opened my eyes to how cheap own brand products are and how it is possible with imagination to eat on a very small budget. I think I will certainly start planning my food shops to be more cost, and waste, affective in the future.

Here is my shopping list!
Pasta x 2 = 18p
Bread = 47p
Porridge = 62p
Condensed Soup = 74p
Honey = 67p
Milk = 59p
Pasta Sauce = 16p
Carrots = 50p
Noodles x 2 = 20p
Kidney Beans = 18p
Tuna = 45p
Biscuits = 24p

TOTAL = £5 exactly

It is not much, and certainly not much variety. But it is more than I expected to get for my money. My meal plan is;

Breakfast = Porridge with milk, Toast with honey
Lunch = Pasta with sauce and carrots and kidney beans
Dinners - Tuna Pasta Bake (3 days), Noodles and toast (2 days)
Snacks = Carrots, biscuits
Drink = Water

Not much variety and certainly not a balanced diet but on a small budget it makes you appreciate how a lack of money leads to lack of nutrition which can lead to lack of health and well being, concentration et cetera. I think this challenge will really make me appreciate the fact that I can afford a healthy diet and just what the benefits feeding your body a balanced diet gives you.

So now I am geared up for the challenge it is just a waiting game until Monday! I think the week will be interesting, insightful, difficult, exhausting, draining. But I feel it is so important to face just one of the many challenges the most people face every day. Only through experience do you gain understanding.

So for anyone wanting to get involved please check out the Live Below The Line website to find out more information and if you wanted to take on the challenge then you can get tips and meal advice!

Roll on Monday! Until then, much happiness!