Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Day 1 - Live Below The Line

So Monday was my first day living below the line. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I didn't feel too hungry but I did notice just how big a part of life food and eating is. You do it to socialise. To pass the time. It's just something to do. In the developed world food is no longer about subsistence but an experience. Eating is such a part of your life you don't notice it until you can't engage with food in the way you usually do.

I am worried that my portions have been too big for my resources to last the week. I have been trying to compensate the lowered regularility of my meals with increased portions. On a normal day I usually have 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks plus fruit juices, hot drinks etc. So to go to just three meals a day and cut all of the others out is hard, hence the bigger portions! Today I am going to reduce portion sizes to ensure I have food for the whole week. But hope I will get used to small portions.

It has made me realise just why obesity is a problem in developed countries and I think it is due to the fact that we no long just consume 3 meals a day. We often snack in between meals and then have hot drinks like a coffee which are packed with calories. Dietician's recommend that for some people for your body to run best it is better to eat 3 smaller meals a day and 2 snacks so you never get a low on energy. I eat like this and it does seem to work. But it does depend on portion size. I think if we are honest we probably eat 3 normalish sized meals and then snack and have the the hot drinks as well! And obviously this does contribute to the expanding waistlines.

A problem I have found is that it is a case of sometimes not having enough of one thing to go with another. For example I have loads of porridge but very little milk. From now on I am gonna use more porridge but less milk and top up the consistency with water. And I guess this will need honey to make it taste better! I have kind of taken for granted that I can create portions any size I like because if I am running low on milk I can just go an buy more. I actually think that by restricting yourself on how much you can use is a really great way to create appropriate portion sizes and reduce waste. I have a feeling this experience is going to change the way I regard and consume food.

I think Tuesday and Wednesday will be the hardest days as my body will start to realise that there will be no more food coming. It wasn't just a one off. Also I am now back in my workplace so won't have access to food as I do at home. If I wanted a snack of a piece of bread I can't. And snacking in the workplace is often use to pass the time. When I work from home I definitely eat and drink less as I am less bored. At work I live off of drinking fruit juices and tea which I think will be the hardest thing as I usually drink these instead of snacking!

On Wednesday I have a dance class. I am worried about my energy levels. Usually on a dance day I will have a cereal bar about an hour and a half before class to give me a boost and also ensure I am not starving after class. I think because my body is used to this routine I may notice the difference in class. I am also worried I will feel sluggish and bloated due to consuming so many carbs.

Because pasta and bread a cheap, last long and filling this is what my diet this week is mostly constiting of. But this is not brain food! And I am sure by the end of the week I will notice a change in my mood and energy levels due to this. But I think this is an important lesson about food being fuel and that it is vital to fuel your body correctly for it to function well. I think in the developed world because we are so able to eat whatever we want, and in some ways we take food for granted, that it is easy to forget that food is the fuel for our bodies. And if we don't think about what we put in our bodies then it won't function to it's maximum capasity. Again I think this week will really highlight this to me and make me more conscious of what I am eating in the future.

So the food. Yesterday was OK. My breakfast was great as I love porridge. And for dinner I made tuna pasta bake was nice and tasty. Lunch was OK - but I had better get used to it as I will be having it all week! I had pasta in sauce with carrots and kidney beans. The pasta is a bit tasteless and an odd texture. And the pasta sauce doesn't taste of anything. The food is quite bland. I now see why herbs, garlic, salt and pepper are vital and used so often in developing countries cuisine. But of course I am being picky and this again this comes back to us seeing food as an experience rather than subsistence.

I spoke to my dad on the phone yesterday about the challenge and he was keen to give me lots of cheap food tips! His advice was beans on toast (filling), soups and oddly rice and mushy peas! He assures me this is really nice and he loves it! Well I guess you find out something new every day!

So it is now Day 2. Lets see if I predicted right and today is a harder day!

Until next time, much happiness.


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